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Transactions are fundamental to updating the ledger in Move-based blockchains.

Types of Transactions

In Move, there are two primary types of transactions:

  • User Transactions: Programmable transaction blocks that any user can submit to the network. They allow you to execute custom logic, interact with smart contracts, and transfer assets.
  • System Transactions: Exclusive to validators, these transactions are essential for network operations like epoch transitions and checkpointing. They help maintain the blockchain's integrity and performance.

Key Components of a Transaction

Every transaction in Move includes essential metadata:

  • Sender Address: The account address initiating the transaction.
  • Gas Payment Object: An object reference used to pay for the transaction's execution and storage costs. This object must be owned by the sender and be of the type move::coin::Coin<MOVE>, representing the native currency.
  • Gas Price: The amount of native tokens per unit of gas the sender is willing to pay. This must be a positive integer.
  • Maximum Gas Budget: The upper limit of gas units the transaction can consume. Exceeding this budget will abort the transaction, affecting only the gas payment object by deducting the consumed gas.
  • Target Epoch: The specific epoch for which the transaction is intended.
  • Transaction Type: Specifies whether it's a call, publish, or native transaction, along with its associated data.
  • Authenticator: A cryptographic signature and public key pair that verifies the sender's identity.
  • Expiration Epoch: An optional deadline after which validators will consider the transaction invalid if not yet executed. By default, transactions have no expiration.

Transaction Workflow Example

To illustrate how transactions interact with objects, consider the following scenario involving IOTA:

Initial Setup

  • Object A: Contains 5 IOTA and belongs to Tom.
  • Object B: Holds 2 IOTA and belongs to John.

1: Tom Sends 1 IOTA to Alice

Tom initiates a transaction to send 1 IOTA to Alice using Object A. The transaction results in:

  • Object A: Now has 4 IOTA and remains with Tom.
  • Object C: A new object with 1 IOTA belonging to Alice.

2: John Sends 2 IOTA to Anna

Simultaneously, John sends his 2 IOTA to Anna. Since this transaction involves different objects, it executes in parallel, transferring ownership of Object B to Anna.

3: Anna Sends 2 IOTA to Tom

Anna immediately sends the 2 IOTA to Tom. Tom now possesses:

  • Object A: 4 IOTA.
  • Object B: 2 IOTA (ownership transferred to Tom).

4: Tom Sends All IOTA to John

Finally, Tom decides to send all his IOTA to John. The transaction consumes both Object A and Object B, combining them into:

  • Object D: A new object with 6 IOTA belonging to John.
  • Object A and Object B: Consumed and removed from the ledger.

Transaction and Data Constraints

Move imposes certain limits to ensure network stability and security:

  • Maximum Transaction Size: Transactions have a byte-size limit to prevent excessive resource consumption.
  • Object Limits: There's a cap on the number of objects a transaction can read or modify.
  • Data Size Restrictions: Limits are placed on the size of data payloads within transactions.

You can find detailed limits in the protocol-config module of the Move repository, defined in the ProtocolConfig struct.

How Transactions Are Executed

The following diagram outlines the execution flow of a transaction, showing the sequence of function calls across various modules:

Transaction Execution Flow